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When Belief is Not Enough

A communication framework to move audiences to action

The Framework

Know the Audience

Understand their values and attitudes

Create Positive Visions

Talk about what’s on the other side of this work

Connect to Values

Show how your request relates to their existing identities

Seek Progress, Not Perfection

Reward small, incomplete victories

Create New Myths

Sustainable cultural myths offer a guide for the future

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Book recommendations

The following are excellent books for designers and non-designers who are interested in exploring how cognitive science can be used to improve communication about difficult topics and inspire people to behave differently.

Engaged: Designing for Behavior Change

by Amy Bucher

Design for the Mind: Seven Psychological Principles of Persuasive Design

By Victor S. Yocco

Mental Models: Aligning Design Strategy with Human Behavior

By Indi Young

A Future Untold: The Power of Story to Transform the World and Ourselves

By Alina Siegfried

Academic Texts

Self-Determination Theory: A Macrotheory of Human Motivation, Development, and Health, by Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan

Why Facts Don’t Change Minds: Insights from cognitive science for the improved communication of conservation research, by Anne H. Toomey

Environmental Psychology and Sustainability: Comments on topics important for our future, by Luc G. Pelletier, Karine J. Lavergne, Elizabeth C. Sharp


RARE Center for Behavior and the Environment

Stanford Behavior Design Lab